
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thanksgiving Letter

This is me being a little sappy for Thanksgiving...

Querida Familia,
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thinking of you very much, and the idea of you all sitting together enjoying Thanksgiving dinner in Virginia is making me feel great. Here in Hamdallaye, we will also be having a mini-Thanksgiving feast, and I am on the cooking committee so hopefully I will be able to make some sort of cole slaw for the Niger feast!
I’ve been in Niger not even a month but I’ve had quite a bit of time to reflect on a number of issues. I feel like I’ve been gone for years and been here only a few days… time is a bizarre concept!
If my memory is correct, at some point during dinner you’re going to go around and let everyone say what they’re thankful for this year. As usual, I have a lot to say. Since I’m not around to share it with you in person, I wanted to give you a letter to let you know what I feel thankful for this year, which is a lot.
Of course, this will be in list form:
§  My Health. I am overall, very healthy, and incredibly thankful for it. When I am not healthy, I am so thankful for the access I have to western medicine. To knowledgeable doctors and nurses, and the prescriptions they can provide me. This year I am particularly thankful for Cipro (but don’t worry Mama, yogurt is still my first go-to in times of pain).
§  Food. I am thankful for it’s availability and abundance, and the privilege I have to know that I will never be hungry (incha Allah).
§  My Job. I am thankful for the fact that I have a job (and that is no longer being server at the Green Room). I am so thankful for the particular job that I have-- one that allows me the privilege of traveling across the world to enjoy new cultures, new languages, and new people.
§  The Stars. No matter how difficult of a day I have, I know that I will go to bed under a sky of beautiful, shining stars, and I am tremendously grateful for that.
§  Laughter. It is truly the universal language. While I cannot always communicate my thoughts or desires (in fact, I can rarely communicate these) I can always share a laugh.
§  Most importantly, I am thankful for my friends and my family. Everyday that passes I am more aware of how luck we are to have such an incredible family. I would not be where I am today without you. Thank you so much for being exactly the way you are, and making me the way I am. I love you all so much!
Now I also have some things I want you to be especially thankful for this year because I cannot be. (These are meant to be comic reflief because I know Mama and Cristina are probably a little teary eyed right now)
§  Running Water. Especially the plumbing system. Next time you’re on the toilet, please sit on it an extra few minutes for me. Please appreciate how awesome it is to be able to read the newspaper while pooping. It’s awesome. Be thankful. Also the fact that you can turn on a sink to wash your hands after.
§  Electricity. Particularly the power it has to make refrigerators/freezers/all climate control appliances work.
§  Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. Actually, all ice creams. And the pie you’re having for desert.
§  Morning cup of coffee. Starbucks. French Roast. New York Times on the computer at the same time. Savor it.
§  Animal Poop Etiquette. I know sometimes you get annoyed that someone on Walnut Street has not scooped up all their dog’s poop, but I promise it’s not that bad.  Imagine donkey poop on the sidewalk. A lot of it. Be thankful it’s not there.
So, I think that’s all I have to say about Thanksgiving for now. I’m sorry I can’t be there with you, but know that I am thinking of you constantly and I love you very much!

Besos y amor,


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