
Sunday, January 2, 2011

I’m a real Peace Corps Volunteer!

As of December 30th I am officially a Peace Corps Volunteer! The swearing in ceremony took place in the morning at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence in Niamey.  Over 400 people were invited and Nigerien T.V. and radio stations were also present. The event reminded a lot like a high school or college graduation, complete with many photo shoots, fancy clothes, and fold up lawn chairs.
The event was beautiful. The weather was perfect—not too hot and even a little wind! Before the official ceremony, “cocktails” were served. In other words, a great assortment of sodas, popcorn, chips, and peanuts were available.
I was really honored and proud to have been asked by my stage to give a speech in French. In addition to remarks from our training manager Tondi, the Peace Corps Country Director Valerie Staats, and the Niger Deputy Ambassador (I think that’s the official title), three new PCVs (including myself) gave speeches. First my stage mate Alison gave a speech in Hausa, my friend Dan followed in Zarma, and I finished with French.
I have to give props to my stage mates Eric and Nora who both speak much more eloquent French than I do for their help. I was really nervous about my accent before hand, but I think it turned out ok! I’m posting the French speech I gave and a quick translation in English incase you’re curious.
After the speeches, Nigerien national TV interviewed me! They asked how I was feeling and I told them that I could not be happier to officially be a volunteer and start working in Niger. They also asked if training had been difficult at all and I told them that of course, moving to a new country, learning a new language and adapting to a new culture were difficult but that my stage mates and I had incredible support from both the Peace Corps staff and our friends and family both in the United States and Niger.

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